Thursday, January 26, 2012

The (in)Famous WubbaNub

AHHHH! If you don't know what is a WubbaNub, it's because you don't have a baby.

A WubbaNub ( is an overpriced pacifier (smoothie) attached to a plush animal and it is a very trendy tool to have because your baby can hold it while he sucks his little heart away. The only reason why I cave in, is because when G, my little man, use his paci, he doesn't suck much on it and it is always falling down. After talking with moms that swears by the WubbaNub, I decided, against my better judgement, to buy one because the plush animal helps in keeping the paci in.

The reasons I didn't want to get one, are :

1) The money. 13$ on eBay. If G likes it, its totally worth it. If he doesn't like it, I'm screwed, because of reason #2:

2) You can't take off the pacifier. Yeah, you got that right. The monkey comes with the paci and when the paci is no good anymore, you buy another WubbaNub.

So I'm crossing my fingers G will like it because so far, the only paci he likes, is the GumDrop. So that would make a VERY expensive plush-animal-pacifier.

After looking online, I got a monkey, that I named Archibald Chimpmunk, because I obviously lack of imagination. I didn't use him yet, because G is having a WONDER WEEK, better known as a growth spur, which means that he is cranky as hell and now is not the time to introduce something new.

I will edit this post by adding a pic of G with it, is he likes it.

EDIT : G is not too sure about Chimpmunk. Let's see...

I don't know if he is happy to NOT have it in his mouth... or if he smiled because I was taking a picture!

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