I have a confession to make. Darn it. Just thinking about it is pissing me off.
Let me share with you why I am so upset.
I am part of a group of ladies whose babies are all born in November 2011, just like G. We mostly talk about nothing and everything, exchanges tips and advices and find comfort in each other for most of the pains, big or small, real or imaginary, that comes with motherhood.
I try not to judge because I hate being the one that is being judge. But some things just get to me and piss me off.
So there this lady that "had" two dogs before having her first baby. But since baby came, she is too scared that the dogs will attack the baby because one of the dogs has showed aggression to her niece.
I know some of you will find her actions noble and ... right. Heck, even me I find her actions right! But still, I am pissed off!
I have two dogs and one of them, a rescue, is aggression towards other dogs and because of that, she is NEVER left alone with the baby. Good thing that she is not interested by him at all. Isn't even fazed by the screaming and crying.
I consider her to be in probation. The day she will show any type of aggression or bad behavior to G, she is gone.
Maybe I am pissed at the lady because she forces me to think of the day where maybe, I'll have to take the same decision she just took.
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